
Farmer's Markets and Heirloom Tomatoes

I don't like tomatoes. I never really have. I'm trying to like them, slowly, gradually because I know they're so good for you. Vitamin C, antioxidants etc etc.
I remember a couple of years ago, a college roommate brought some fresh picked cherry tomatoes from her house and offered me one, saying it tasted like candy. It did not. Not according to the kind of candy I eat.

However, heirloom tomatoes are delicious. How does this make sense, you ask? I have no idea. But I'm intrigued by the beautiful colors, designs, shapes and even taste of these tomatoes. And where is the best place this time of year to find this beautiful produce? FARMER'S MARKETS! Living in Colorado the summer season is short, but I truly appreciate every morning Sunday when local farmers come to the village, set up their stall and sell their juicy, fresh produce. It's expensive, no doubt about that, but totally worth it. You're supporting local farmers and eating wholesome foods. Yesterday at the farmer's market I was convinced by my favorite peach farmer to buy some of their apples. His winning argument: The apples in the grocery store may have been stored in a cold storage center for up to three months! But these apples here (points to apples) were pick within the last four days. Sold!

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I visited my friend in San Francisco and we stopped by her neighborhood's farmer's market where I saw the most terrific mosaic of heirloom tomatoes. We bought a few, some mozzarella and some fresh basil and made an insalata caprese. This salad...mmm mmm good. No need for more description.

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